Wednesday 19 November 2014

Cours de cuisine Chinoise & Qi Gong

Coming on December 6th
Cours de cuisine Chinoise
Qi Gong

at Château du Puits es Pratx

For the 1st of our winter cooking classes I have the pleasure to introduce a talented Chinese chef, who is flying over to teach at the Château. Jo Lee has been the head chef & owner of the highly renowned restaurant, Eurasia in Hurst Green, East Sussex for the past 25 years. I hope that we can help you discover the secrets of authentic Chinese cuisine, motivating & inspiring you into creating wonderful meals that are inventive, creative & delicious. Jo Lee teaches the preparation of the dishes in the evening menu listed below. Jo guides you, balancing the preparation between the equipment & in house planning, preparation & organization of service.
Please contact us for more info or alternative dates. Prices below:
The cooking master-class finishes with a fabulous meal.

Mis en bouche :
Chinese Christmas pickles
Entrée :              
Malaysian Chicken satay (with peanut sauce and coconut)
Tamarind sizzling prawns & sea spiced squid
Low Hie : Canton style vegetables & marinated fish.
Slow cooked ham shanks in Chinese vinegar, wine and Ginger.
Middle Course :
Mongolian style: Aromatic Lamb served with Lettuce or Pancake
Plat principal :  
Crispy duck laqué with pomegranate Sauce
Canton steamed Sea Bass with ginger and spring onions
Amoy style Rib Eye Beef with Fresh Peppercorn
Octopus slow cooked in aromatic spices
Dessert :           
Bubor cha cha ice cream (yam, sweet potatoes, sago & coconut)

Qi Gong for health & fitness

Chinese cooking master-class

Relaxation class of Chi Gong with a Chinese Master.
Unclutter the mind & relax the body. Qi Gong is the pre-curser to Tai Chi & has enormous health benefits including joint

Ying & Yang of Chinese cuisine

Exclusive ‘hands-on’ courses are held for only small groups, to ensure personal attention.
Non-cooking partners and friends are welcome paying €38 per person for a multi course Chinese gourmet evening meal.

I & visiting chefs, will introduce you to many new skills enabling you to entertain or just cook for the family, keeping you healthy at the same time as having fun.

‘Taster Menu’ Dinner served at 7.00 : €38


Saturday 6th Dec: 4 hour intensive Master class including ingredients, recipes, and a gift to take home : 2.00 to 6.00
1 person : 4 hours :   €90 (€22.50 per person per hour) 
2 people : 4 hours :   €84 (€21 per person per hour) 

Saturday 6th Dec:  1 day, 6 hour intensive Master class including ingredients, recipes, lunch and a gift to take home :
10.00 to 12.00 Lunch 2.00 to 6.00
1 person : 6 hours :   €123 (€20.50 per person per hour) 
2 people : 6 hours :   €114 (€19 per person per hour)


An optional 1 hour class of relaxation and Chi Gong : €15

Please follow us on your favourite social media sites 

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